Wexford Skater Collective responds to Nazi symbol graffiti in Wexford skate park

The group ‘Wexford Skater Collective’ have responded to the graffiti painted at one of the skate parks in Wexford…

A swastika, commonly known as the ‘Nazi symbol’ was painted with red graffiti, and was placed on one of Wexford’s skate park.

Although graffiti is typically accepted and is the norm at skate-parks, the line was crossed with this graffiti.

The ‘Wexford Skater Collective’ were quick on the matter though and one of their team has since removed the symbol by painting red over it.

Speaking on the matter, they said:

“Graffiti at skateparks is accepted. Symbols of hate are not. Before anyone gives me the ancient symbol speech, this wasn’t a bunch of Eastern philosophy fans painting this.”

“It was covered by one if our team, and they will continue to be removed or covered any time they pop up. Our skatepark has no place for hate. Consider this a lesson. Don’t do it again,” a spokesperson for the Wexford skating group said.

Wexford Weekly
Wexford Weekly

This article was published by a member of the Wexford Weekly team.

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