Gusserane GAA Club forced to report graffiti incident to the Guards

The new stand at Gusserane GAA club in Wexford was only recently completed…

The club proudly posted an image of their new stand online on May 14th, thanking the hard work of club volunteers who made it all possible. Less than two weeks after it’s erection and completion, there has been graffiti sprayed over it.

A spokesperson for the GAA club in South Wexford stated that the incident is not an isolated one and as a result, they have reported the incident to An Garda Síochána.

The graffiti sprayed on to the Gusserane GAA Club stand.

Releasing a statement along with publishing an image of the discriminatory graffiti, the club stated:

“After all the hard work of our volunteers and fundraising some people thought it would be ok to spray graffiti on the recently completed stand. We are so annoyed and disgusted that they could do this. The incident has been reported to the gardai.

If any one saw any unusual activity around the GAA park or Gusserane area please contact New Ross or Ballycullane garda station and report to any executive committee member. As this is not an isolated incident in our GAA park we are now left with other option but to install CCTV cameras.

We ask you to keep a close visual on our club house and grounds for people who are acting suspicious or who are not members of our club and report to the above. We thank you for help with this matter,” the statement reads.

Wexford Weekly

This article was published by a member of the Wexford Weekly team.

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