Review on CBD products

Numerous products have been launched on the CBD market at varying costs. Today, with the help of CBD experts, you can find everything you need …, and to find the best CBD online, give a look to Justbob’s website!

CBD oil, flowers, but also creams and soaps… exactly how much do all these CBD products cost? Which products are authorised for sale, and where can you find them?

Raw CBD products

Two distinct categories of CBD-containing products are available in online and physical shops. These are raw products and derived products. These products differ in terms of their uses, CBD concentrations and availability.

Comparison of CBD uses and concentrations

When we talk about raw cannabidiol-based products, we should mention the following:

· CBD oils 

· CBD crystals, considered to be the purest form of the substance;

· CBD flowers and leaves.

· CBD flowers and leaves are often available in bulk. They are usually consumed in the form of infusions or herbal teas. CBD oils and crystals, on the other hand, are used experimentally by most consumers. They can be ingested directly, orally, or incorporated into various culinary recipes. Crystals are by far the most concentrated products in terms of CBD, accounting for 99% of their composition. CBD oils available in shops contain no more than 30% of the substance.

Availability of CBD products

Although all these products are available on the market – as CBD is legal in Europe – some are more available than others. For example, CBD crystals are rare because of their purity. The extraction process requires considerable financial and material resources. CBD oils, on the other hand, are the most popular products, even though CBD flowers and leaves are readily available.

Price ranges

CBD oils on the market range in price from €15 to just over €100. In liquid or capsule form, prices quickly balance out. Cannabidiol crystals are available between €20 and €40, depending on the packaging. Finally, CBD flowers and leaves cost between €10 and €30 per gram.

CBD-derived products

The CBD derivatives category includes food and cosmetic products. They are incredibly varied!

Comparison of uses and concentrations of CBD

Food products containing cannabidiol can be sweets (pastilles, gummies), chewing gums, chocolates and sometimes pasta. Consumers can buy these for a more interesting CBD experience. In these gourmet forms, CBD becomes fun. CBD-derived products for food use generally contain minute quantities of CBD, with proportions of between 5 and 10% at most.

What about cosmetic products? These are body lotions, cleansing lotions, soaps, creams and balms available on the CBD market. These products can be easily incorporated into beauty routines and everyday care. Cannabidiol concentrations are very low, practically the same as those in food products.

Availability of these products

Most food and cosmetic products derived from cannabidiol are still rare. Only a few brands are experimenting with including cannabidiol in their products. This is the reason for the relative scarcity of these products in the CBD market. Other laboratories are still in the experimental phase to make the proper dosages.

Price ranges

All these products are sold at prices slightly higher than conventional prices. CBD sweets and chewing gums are average, worth between €10 and €30 a kilo. Chocolates cost between 15 and 70 euros a kilo. For cosmetics, the rule is the same as for food products. Prices are higher than usual. Prices range from €5 to €50 per kilo, depending on the product.

CBD full spectrum vs CBD isolate

Full spectrum, broad-spectrum, or isolate have different qualities of cannabinoids. To help you choose, we explain the differences between full spectrum, broad spectrum and pure CBD.

Why are there different CBD extracts?

CBD is one of the active molecules found in hemp. This plant contains over a hundred cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. The difference in CBD quality comes from the way it is extracted. Each method extracts a more or less broad spectrum of molecules.

Full spectrum CBD

Full-spectrum CBD is a complete extraction of the hemp plant.

In addition to CBD, the extracted product contains :

· Cannabinoids (CBD, CBG),

· Traces of THC,

· Flavonoids,

· Terpenes.

Good to know: Full-spectrum CBD is extracted from hemp varieties containing little THC, so it complies with current legislation.

Full spectrum CBD allows you to benefit from the entourage effect, i.e. more powerful effects thanks to all the different components of hemp.

Broad spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD uses the same extraction processes as full-spectrum CBD. The significant difference is that it contains no trace of THC, however minute.

This is made possible by an additional step after extraction, which removes the THC to obtain broad-spectrum CBD. The beneficial properties of the synergy of the hemp molecules are therefore preserved.

Isolate, or pure CBD.

CBD isolate is the name given to CBD extract over 99% pure. During extraction, the cannabidiol is isolated from all the other cannabinoids.

This raw product is presented in the form of crystals reduced to a powder. It does not benefit from the other components of hemp.

Unlike broad-spectrum or full-spectrum CBD, isolate is not used on its own. It is often used to adjust the amount of active ingredients or create CBD products that do not smell or taste like hemp.

CBD isolate can be added to your preparations, oils, drinks, CBD e-liquid or food.

What quality CBD should I choose?

Choosing between pure, full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD depends on your objectives and consumption habits.

CBD isolate allows you to make your own preparations or increase the dosage of cannabidiol in a CBD product.

CBD broad spectrum or full spectrum is ideal for relieving everyday aches and pains.

· Please note: Broad spectrum or full spectrum CBD has a longer-lasting effect than isolate, which has a shorter-lasting impact.

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